This 4.2-hectare site in the new housing area of Hobsonville Point includes 81 detached dwellings and 25 terrace housing units. The goal is to form a diverse neighbourhood and provide a range of housing choices.
To create a high quality urban environment, as outlined in the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan, the design delivers richness and variety. 12 types of terrace housing and 20 types of single detached housing have been created to ensure a high quality streetscape. 5% of the units are designed as affordable housing.
Most of the single houses are two-storey high with sloped roofs, which is a fitting build form for the New Zealand lifestyle and vernacular. Specific designs were developed to allow for living spaces and outdoor courtyards on the northern side of the buildings.
An attractive street façade is integral to the look of the houses. This is achieved through elements such as balconies and pergolas, contrasting building materials, and manipulation of building massing. A rich material palette provides builders with a wide range to choose from. By combining many types of design and a variety of building materials, a rich and vibrant streetscape can be created.
The terrace housing units are grouped in five super lots close to local roads and open spaces. Typically, a terrace housing unit is three storeys high with private outdoor living space at ground level. The façade design delineates each individual unit, reducing the overall mass of a large block down to a number of smaller modules. Balconies, wing walls and roof overhangs add detail and layering to the street façades. Contrasting cladding materials are used in façade articulation for all the blocks.
All house windows are carefully placed to avoid direct views into habitable rooms of adjoining houses. The design also addresses public safety in the community by ensuring living room windows face the street, providing balconies and porches fronting the streets, and preventing high solid fencing in the front yard.